This is a site to introduce updated information of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech). The purpose of CFD Lab. is to promote researches in numerical methods for fluid dynamics and relevant applications to industry. Visitors may obtain useful information or, furthermore, collaborate with us.
We are looking for students who are interested in scientific computation. Taiwan Tech is one of 12 key universities selected by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. International students are welcome to apply for an admission for post graduate studies at the CFD lab., Taiwan Tech. Details of application can be found here.
Last Updated: 27 Nov. 2023
- 1st place of "Best Poster Award“ in Aerospace and Thermal Flow Science Results Presentation Conference(NSTC project presentation ) on November 25, 2023 at Feng Chia University.

- 3rd place in Flow visualization competition held by ASME Fluid Engineering Divisionin in the AJKFED (ASME-JSME-KSME Fluid Engineering Division) joint conference 2023 in Osaka, Japan.
- The manuscript titled "Vortex-induced vibration of two circular cylinders in a side-by-side arrangement at moderate Reynolds number: a numerical study" was accepted by Physics of Fluids.
- Two Ph.D. scholarships for multiphase flow simulations are provided by Imperial College London (16 Nov. 2016). More details can be found here http://www.imperial.ac.uk/matar-fluids-group/opportunities/ .
- The technical paper titled "Numerical modeling of vortex-induced vibration in turbulent flow" by Ming-Jyh Chern, Kamau Kingora, Giri Nugroho, Dedy Zulhidayat Noor, and Tzee-Leng Horng was awarded the First Best Paper award in the 2nd International Conference Mechanical Engineering, Bali, Indonesia. (3 Sept. 2015)
- Symsuri who received his Ph.D. from our lab. was appointed the rector of ITATS in Surabaya, Indonesia. His term of rector is three years from August 2015. (3 Sept. 2015)
- The manuscript titled "Numerical study of flow past two counter rotating cylinders using immersed boundary methodr" by Chern, M.J., Purnadiana, F.R., Noor, D.Z., Horng, T.L., Chau, S.W., and Odhiambo, E. was accepted by Journal of Marine Science and Technology (17 June 2015)
- Congratulations. Prof. M.J. Chern was awarded "outstanding reviewer" of Journal of Energy Engineering (ASCE). (29 May, 2015)
- Call for paper, the 22nd National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference will be held from 26 August-28 August. The on-line submission system is available at https://event.nchc.org.tw/2015/cfd . Welcome to contribute your CFD work to the conference. (25 May, 2015)
Prof. Ming-Jyh Chern
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
43 Sec. 4 Keelung Road, Taipei 10607, Taiwan
Tel: (886)-2-2737-6496
Fax: (886)-2-2737-6460
E-mail: mjchern@mail.ntust.edu.tw